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Sensor(s): Lnk1
misc: Wires: (link) 1--2--3
connections (click to enlarge)
- Need additional accessories:

Free Hex & Exe code! Arduino source code available on email request only (copy and send next text): PCIC104-ARDSC: Price=10 Euro

PCIC104: Up to 4 separate impulse counters with the status display on PC
After updating the offered Arduino code and PC Application, it is possible to read counters status on PC screen...
For Arduino boards:: NANO -- UNO -- MEGA
Arduino pins are used: see connections

Electrical note(s):
Recommendation (but not required): Use the following accessories for testing as well as for later use: Lnk1 - Lnk2
Used pins are connected to 5V via resistor(s) 3K3-4K7
Only power from the computer's USB port can be used (an external power source (9V) is not required but is recommended)
A push button (contact) or some NPN type of sensor (voltage 5V) can be connected to the counter input. - Lnk1
Max counter frequency is up to 2-3Hz. Impuls time min 0,5sec.
Max counter value is 1000000 then start at 1

Download the FreeHEX codes below, unpack and upload to the proper Arduino board (Use a free net tool for example XLoader)
1. uc ATmega328-16MHz-5V (NANO,UNO..): PCIC104-m328
2. uc AtMega2560 (Mega(ATMEGA2560)....): PCIC104-M2560
Description of HexCode commands ( You can test the uploaded code using some free serial communication software such as Termite (select: Append CR)):
AT command (ASCII characters + ENTER) - Baud 9600,8 Data bits,None Parity,1 Stop Bit - AT commands must be uppercase, lowercase invalid
AT - attention command (return OK)
I? - software code info (return ucAppName)
RKA - reading all values C01-C04
Cxx=0 - Reset counter xx to 0 (xx=01-04)
When the counter(s) increases the state, the value is printed immediately

PC Application(s) for offered Hex code (for WINDOWS):
In order for the offered PC applications to work, it is necessary to download and install (one time only) VB6RunTimePlus2.2
Download the PC application, unpack, and start (allow windows to start applications - see HOW) enter the COM port number where the Arduino is connected and test it...
Download: PcApp1
BotronikS HEX Arduino code