Botroniks Arduino ready-made hex code - SMS1020: SMS Commands for up to 2 outputs - TryHex!

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SIM800L V2.0 5V

Link: 1-2-3-4

Link: 1-2-3-4

Link: 1-2-3-4

Botroniks Arduino SMS Hex code
need accessories

SMS1020: SMS Commands for up to 2 outputs - TryHex!
The offered code enables: Operation control for 2 outputs via SMS messages.
Required accessories: SIM800L V2.0 5V Wireless GSM GPRS Module - see above
For Arduino boards: NANO or UNO or MEGA
Arduino pins are used:
uc ATmega328p (NANO, UNO, ...): see connections
uc AtMega2560 (MEGA,.............): see connections
Electrical and practical notes:
Uses 5V/2A power supply - current is very important! Set the power supply to exactly 5,0v (5,2V or more is not good for long time working)
Connect the power supply directly to the 5V and GND arduino pins - do not use the DC plug or USB power supply!
SIM800L power supply be taken directly from the power source - not from the arduino board!
Do not use standard Dupont Jumper Wires to connect the SIM800 (5V and GND) to the power supply (best soldered directly).
In case of insufficient power current or poor contact, the SIM800 is reset when trying to log in to the mobile network.
On outputs can connect some other type of 5V Loads up to 20 mA (for each output) like SSR's: Link1--Link2
Some notes:
Before using the SIM card, activate it on a standard mobile phone and receive at least one SMS message.
The PIN and PUK code on the SIM card must be disabled!
After connecting to the power supply, the device is ready for operation after 1 minute
The flashing LED on the SIM800 pcb flashes more slowly when the device is connected to the mobile operator's network
Return SMS messages can be expected in a few minutes. Do not send more messages before answer.
When using it for the first time (after updating the code), be sure to do a default reset first (see below)
Be sure to upload the code to the Arduino outside of the project connections! (or it not necessary to do in the case when the noted power supply of the project is switched on)
Download the HEXtry codes below, unpack and upload to the proper Arduino board (Use a free net tool for example XLoader)
1. uc ATmega328-16MHz-5V (NANO,UNO...): SMS1020try-M328 - Time limited (2h - then need restart) version for try!
2. uc AtMega2560 (Mega(ATMEGA2560).....): SMS1020try-M2560 - Time limited (2h - then need restart) version for try!
Fully functional HexCode but time-limited! Test and use it for free! If You are satisfied and want FinalHexCode (HEXfin = final no limit version) - click here
Project code is not realized in the Arduino IDE. Source code not available!
See SMS commands description below

User guide manual:
Description of SMS commands (send SMS and wait for answer):
*** - Return to Default Reset - does not send a return SMS message after this command ( *MO=1 *RM=1, all outputs=OFF) (do it first after uploading code)
? or S - Status request. Returns SMS to the sender abouth status of outputs.
?* or S* - Returns SMS with settings values
OUT1=1 or A - Activates (ON) Output 1 (*RM=1 sends (*RM=0 or does not) a return sms report on the executed command)
OUT1=0 or a - Deactivates (OFF) Output 1 (*RM=1 sends (*RM=0 or does not) a return sms report on the executed command)
OUT2=1 or B - Activates Output 2 (*RM=1 sends (*RM=0 or does not) a return sms report on the executed command)
OUT2=0 or b - Deactivates Output 2 (*RM=1 sends (*RM=0 or does not) a return sms report on the executed command)
ALL=1 - Activates (ON) ALL Outputs (*RM=1 sends (*RM=0 or does not) a return sms report on the executed command)
ALL=0 - Deactivates (OFF) ALL Outputs (*RM=1 sends (*RM=0 or does not) a return sms report on the executed command)
SMS commands of settings: (allways memorised and returns SMS)
*MO=1 - To Memorizes the last state of the output when power failure
*MO=0 - To Do not memorizes the last state of the output when power failure
*RM=1 - To Returns SMS message to the sender after executing the SMS command
*RM=0 - To Do not returns SMS message to the sender after executing the SMS command