BotronikS - Final code for all types of Arduino and PC users: -- HOME -- email: |
Arduino required accessories: | |||
TM1637 LED display - 1 - 2 - 3 | |||
MLX90614: 1 - 2 - 3 | |||
connections (click to enlarge)
additional accessories
TEM4: Measure (Object) temperature with a non-contact infrared temperature sensor module MLX90614 GY-906 |
Electrical and practical notes: |
Uses 9V/1A external power supply (VIN/GND) on DC plug (or external 5V/1A on 5V/GND pin). |
Display of the measured value is in the form of one decimal digit. |
Use specified type of 7 segments display with decimal points only (not clock dots). |
S1 switch selector for temperature display in Celsius or Fahrenheit |
P1 Display brightness selection potentiometer (0-7) |
Download the HEX codes below, unpack and upload to the proper Arduino board (Use a free net tool for example XLoader) |
Note: The sensor uses SDA and SCL pins! Customize the connections to the used Arduino board! |
1. uc ATmega328-16MHz-5V (NANO,UNO...) - TEM4code1-m328 |
2. uc AtMega2560 (Mega(ATMEGA2560).....) - TEM4code1-m2560 |